
[301] Michael S Steckler, James VanWyke Beever, Leonardo Seeber, Cecilia McHugh, Maria Beatrice Magnani, Sylvie Leroy, Victor Cabiativa-Pico, Sean P S Gulick, Matthew Hornbach, Vashan Wright, Richard Kilburn and Jhardel Dasent, 2023. Stratigraphy and tectonics of the Enriquillo-Plantain-Garden Fault in the Jamaica Passage, northern Caribbean Plate. AGU San Francisco, 1320910.

[300] Cecilia M McHugh, Leonardo Seeber, Sean P S Gulick, Victor Cabiativa-Pico, Matthew Hornbach, Sylvie Leroy, Maria Beatrice Magnani, Michael S Steckler, Columbia University, Vanshan Wright, Sherene James-Williamson, and Sarah Zellers, 2023. Cosesismic or Sequential? Deciphering the Rupture History of a Submerged Segment of the Enriquillo-Plantain-Garden Transpressional Plate Boundary, Northern Caribbean. AGU San Francisco. 1259716

[299] Sylvie Leroy, Mélody Philippon, Bernard Mercier de Lépinay, Jordane Corbeau, Ruberne Bresier, Yamirka Rojas-Agramonte, Roberte Momplaisir, Dominique Boisson, and Nicolas Saspiturry, 2023. Pre-Existing Widespread Extension In The Gulf Of Gonâve: Unraveling Geodynamic Evolution Of The Northern Caribbean Plate Boundary. AGU San Francisco, 1288538

[298] Frédérique Rolandone, Sylvie Leroy, Jeffrey Poort, Elia d’Acremont, Sara Lafuerza, Lea Vidil and the Albacore team. 2023- Heterogeneous Heat Flow in the Alboran Sea, westernmost Mediterranean Sea, at Regional and Local Scales with Potential Hydrothermal Circulation along Active Fault Zones. AGU San Francisco, 1337782.

[297] Sylvie Leroy. Dynamique long terme de la frontière nord Caraibe. Talk Invité ED Montpellier – 10 nov. invitée

[296] Isabelle Thinon, Anne Lemoine, Nathalie Feuillet, Sylvie Leroy & COYOTES team. Volcanisme et tectonique le long de l’archipel des Comores (Canal Nord Mozambique) : état d’avancement du projet COYOTES. RST Rennes.

[295] Louise Watremez, Charles Masquelet, Sylvie Leroy, Isabelle Thinon, Nicolas Chamot-Rooke, Matthias Delescluse, Daniel Sauter, Anne Lemoine. 2023. Structure profonde et nature de la croûte à l’Est de Mayotte, archipel des Comores (

[294] A. Oliviera de Sá, S. Leroy, E. d’Acremont, S. Lafuerza, J-L. Granja-Bruña; Bladimir Moreno, V. Cabiativa Pico, J. Letouzey 2023. Structure of the Eastern Cuba Block: a protracted evolution of a plate boundary linking Central Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, proto-Caribbean and Caribbean plates. RST Rennes.

[293] Léa Vidil, Elia d’Acremont, Sylvie Leroy, Sara Lafuerza, Laurent Emanuel, Alain Rabaute, ALBACORE and ALBANEO teams Geological, geophysical and geotechnical highlights of the southern part of the Al Idrissi strike-slip fault system from the Alboran sea. RST Rennes, Oct. 

[292] S. Leroy, F. Rolandone, J. Poort, E. d’Acremont, S. Lafuerza, L. Vidil, and the Albacore team2023. Exploring Heat Flow Distribution in the Westernmost Mediterranean Sea: Insights from the Albacore Cruise

[291] Sylvie Leroy 2023. Exploring Detachments in the Conjugate Margins of the Gulf of Aden unveiled asymmetry. Invited talk. October. Imagin’rifting Marrakech.

[290] Renier Viltres, Sigurjón Jónsson, Abdulaziz O. Alothman, Shaozhuo Liu, Sylvie Leroy, Frédéric Masson, Cécile Doubre and Robert Reilinger 2023. Opening Rates of the Red Sea.  ICMERS-3, November 13-15, 2023, KAUST.

[289] C. McHugh, L. Seeber, V. Cabiativia, S. Gulick, M. Hornbach, S. Leroy, M.B. Magnani, M.S. Steckler, V. Wright, Sh. James-Williamson. 2023. Cosesismic or sequential? Deciphering the rupture history of a submerged plate boundary: The Enriquillo-Plantain-Garden transpressional plate boundary, northern Caribbean. GSA. 15-18 oct. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

[288] Satoko Owari, Marcelo Ketzer, Nagisa Suzuki, Elia d’Acremont, Sara Lafuerza, Sylvie Leroy, Daniel Praeg, Sébastien Migeon, Alana Oliveira de Sa. 2023. Halogens dissolved in interstitial water reveal the origin of migrating fluids in sediments of the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean). Japan International Meeting.

[287] Lafuerza S., d’Acremont E., Rabaute A., Thomas M., Sainte-Marie J., Emmanuel L., Mangeney A., Vidil L., Leroy S., Gorini C., Ercilla G. 2023. Submarine landslide hazards in the Alboran Sea. Florence.

[286] Rolandone F., Leroy S, . Poort, L. Vidil, E. d’Acremont, S. Lafuerza, 2023. New Heat Flow Measurements in the Alboran Sea, westernmost Mediterranean Sea. 28 July 2023. IUGG Berlin

[285] Thinon, I., Lemoine A., Leroy, S. et al 2023. Volcanism and tectonics unveiled in the Comoros Archipelago between Africa and Madagascar. EGU, Vienna. EGU23-5046.

[284] Vidil L. d’Acremont E., Leroy S., Lafuerza S., Emmanuel L., Rabaute A. Albacore and Albaneo teams. 2023. Geological, geophysical and geotechnical highlights of the southern part of the Al Idrissi strike-slip fault system from the Alboran sea. EGU Vienna, EGU23-6872.

[283] Masquelet, C., Leroy S., Sauter D., 2023. Major volcanic events from Moheli, Anjouan and Mayotte Island edification in the Comoros Archipelago at Northern Mozambique Channel inferred by seismic reflection data. EGU Vienna, EGU23-12116.

[282] Owari S., Kestler M.,Nagisa Suzuki, Elia d’Acremont, Sara Lafuerza, Sylvie Leroy, Daniel Praeg, and Alana Oliveira de Sa.Halogens dissolved in interstitial water reveal the origin of migrating fluids in sediments of the Alboran Sea (western Mediterranean). EGU, Vienna. EGU23-182.

[281] McHugh C. M., Seeber L., Hornbach M, Wright V., Steckler M., Magnani M. B., Gulick S. P. S., Leroy S., Cabiativa-Pico V., Kersh J.C., Kilburn R., Dasent J., James-Williamson S., Chillrud S.N. and Ross J.M. 2022. Submarine Record of Disastrous Earthquakes at a Strain Partitioned Transpressional Boundary: NSF RAPID Response of the Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault, Jamaica Passage. AGU Fall meeting, Chicago. T15C-0142.

[280] Schnürle P., A.Leprêtre, M. Evain, F. Verrier, P. De-Clarens, N. Dias, Afhilado, Loureiro, L. Watremez, S. Leroy, d’Acremont, D. Aslanian, M. Moulin, 2022. Crustal Structure of the North Natal Valley (Mozambique) Using combined Wide-angle and Reflection Seismic data. ASF Brest, September.

[279] Roche V. Ringenbach JC, Sapin F, Van De Nabeele T, Chaffel P., Leroy S. 2022. South and East African Fracture Zones: a long lifespan since the breakup of Gondwana. 6th EAGE. Invited talk

[278] Paquet F., Zaragosi S., Jorry S., Le Lorrec B., Bernard J., Berthod C. Médard E., Thinon I., Feuillet N., Rinnert E., Leroy S., Lemoine A., 2022. Pleistocene tectonic/magmatic/volcanic events recorded east of Mayotte – insights for the ongoing seismo-volcanic crisis. ASF Brest.

[277] Leroy S., Nonn C., Razin P. Robinet J., Khanbari K., 2022. From symmetric to asymmetric continental margins in the eastern Gulf of Aden. 6th EAGE. 4 oct. Invited talk.

[276] Leroy S. 2022. “Embryonic oceanic crust at the Gulf of Aden continental margins”  Rifts and Rifted Margins, 47th session on Embryonic oceanic basin, Invited talk.

[275] Bessière E., Poort J., Cornu T. Leroy S. 2022. Mozambique Channel heat flow: new data and predicted heat flow map. Cemark 7 Potsdam. 

[274] Rolandone F., Poort J., Masquelet C., Leroy S., Thinon I., 2022. Heat flow estimates in the Northern Mozambique Channel. 2022 Cemark 7 – Potsdam 

[273] Oliviera de Sa A., d’Acremont E., Leroy S., Lafuerza S. 2022. The Septentrional–Oriente strike-slip Fault Zone: polyphase deformation and fault strand switching in the Northern Caribbean plate boundary (Windward Passage) Geosciences Haiti. Online Février 2022.

[272] Boymond P., Nathalie Feuillet, Isabelle Thinon, Luc Scholtès, Sylvie Leroy, Anaïs Rusquet, Charles Masquelet, Eric Jacques, and the SISMAORE team 2022. Volcano-tectonic interactions within two recently discovered submarine volcanic fields: Implication for geodynamics in the Comoros. EGU22-10160, Vienna.

[271] Masquelet C., Leroy S., Delescluse M., Chamot-Rooke N., Thinon I., Lemoine A., Franke D., Watremez L., Werner P., Sauter D. 2022. Structure of a new submarine volcano and magmatic phases to the East of Mayotte, in the Comoros Archipelago, Indian Ocean. EGU22- Vienna.

[270] Roche V., Leroy S., Ringenbach J-C., Sapin F., Revillion S., Guillocheau F., Vetel W., Watremez L., 2022. East African Fracture Zones: a long lifespan since the breakup of Gondwana. EGU22-12463, Vienna.

[269] Lafuerza S. d’Acremont E., Rabaute A., Gorini C., Leroy S., Alonso B., Le Roy P., Frigola J., Ketzer M., Praeg D., Lopez-Gonzalez N., and the ALBACORE Scientific party 2022. The ALBACORE oceanographic cruise: tectonic and sedimentary processes at distinct temporal and spatial scales in the Alboran Sea. EGU22-6547- Vienna.

[268] Oliviera de Sá A. Leroy S., d’Acremont E., Lafuerza S., Mercier de Lépinay B.., 2022. Cuba’s northern offshore: a witness to geodynamics evolution of the northern boundary of the Caribbean plate EGU22-11355 Vienna.

[267] Ladron de Guevara, R., Sigurjón Jónsson, Abdulaziz O. Alothman, Shaozhuo Liu1, Sylvie Leroy, Frédéric Masson, Cécile Doubre and Robert Reilinger.2021. Present-day motion of the Arabian plate. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans.

[266] Roche V., Leroy S., Ringenbach JC, Sapin F. 2021. East Africa Transform Margins: 180 Ma of Gondwana breakup from rift-drift to plate kinematic reactivations. T52C-05. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans.

[265] Oliviera de Sa A., d’Acremont E., Leroy S., Lafuerza S. 2021 The Septentrional–Oriente strike-slip Fault Zone: polyphase deformation and fault strand switching in the Northern Caribbean plate boundary (Windward Passage) – EGU 20215512, vEGU

[264] Mohamadian Sarvandani, M., Kästle E., Boschi L., Leroy S., Cannat M.  2021 – Passive seismic interferometry of the ultraslow-spreading Southwest Indian Ridge  EGU 2021-6132, vEGU

[263] Douilly, R., et al. 2020 Spatiotemporal Evolution of Microseismicity and Repeating Earthquakes in Haiti. AGU Fall Meeting online.

[262] Thinon I., Lemoine A., Feuillet N., Leroy S., Michon L. & Coyotes Teams, 2020 – Coyotes Project (Comoros & Mayotte: Volcanism, Tectonics and Seismicity). AGU Fall Meeting online.

[261] Tugend J., Gillard M., Leroy S., Kuznir N., Sauter D., Manatschal G. 2020 – Looking for magma in magma-poor rifted margins. AGU Fall Meeting online.

[260] Roche V., Leroy S., et al.  2020 – The Natal rift (South Mozambique, Africa): tectonic inheritance and magmatism AGU Fall meeting online.

[259] Korostelev, F., Leroy S., Boschi, L., Magrini F., Lu Y., Collin M., 2020 – High-resolution seismic tomography of Eastern Africa from global and regional datasets. AGU Fall meeting online, San Francisco.

[258] Alessandro La Rosa, Carolina Pagli, Derek Keir, Hua Wang, Cecile Doubre, Sylvie Leroy, Federico Sani, Giacomo Corti, Atalay Ayele 2020 – Plate-boundary kinematics of the Afrera linkage zone (Afar) from InSAR and seismicity. AGU 2020. San Francisco.

[257] V. Roche, S. Leroy, et al. 2020 – Limpopo magma-rich transform margin (South Mozambique), implications for the Gondwana breakup.  RST Lyon.

[256] A. Oliviera de Sa, E. d’Acremont, S. Leroy, S. Lafuerza, 2020 – Évolution structurale du détroit du Passage du Vent à la frontière nord de la plaque Caraïbe : polyphasage et migration de la déformation. RST Lyon.

[255] Thinon I., Lemoine A., Feuillet N., Michon L. Leroy S. & COYOTES teams (Julia Autin ; Patrick Bachelery ; Jean Battaglia ; Julien Bernard ; Pascal Bernard ; Didier Bertil; Arnaud Lemarchand; Pierre Briole ; Nicolas Chamot-Rooke; Valérie Clouard; Wayne Crawford; Marchello De Michele; Christine Deplus; Andrea Di Muro; Cecile Doubre ; Vincent Famin ; Marc Grunberg ; Lucia Gurioli ; Eric Jacques ; Stephan Jorry ; Alesia Maggi ; Pauline Le Maire ; Guillaume Martelet ; Manuel Moreira ; François Nauret; Fabien Paquet ;  Aurelie Peyrefitte ; Jeffrey Poort ; Xavier Quidelleur ; Claudio Satriano ; Jean-Marie Saurel ; Daniel Sauter ; Jerome van Der Woerd ; Sebastien Zaragosi) 2020 – ANR COYOTES project (Comoros & maYotte: vOlcanism, TEctonics and Seismicity). RST Lyon 

[254] F. Rolandone, J. Poort, S. Leroy, 2020. Heat-flow offshore Haiti and in the Caribbean plate. Čermák7 – 7th International Meeting on Heat Flow and the Geothermal Field. Postdam.

[253] S. Revillon, V Roche, S Leroy, F Guillocheau, G Ruffet, D Aslanian, M Moulin, M Dall’Asta, J.M Kluska, 2020. African superplume composition: insight from the Mozambique Margin. Goldschmidt Conference, Hawaii.

[252] Hsin-Yu Lee, Roby Douilly, Frédérique Rolandone, Sylvie Leroy, Valerie Clouard, Dominique Boisson, Roberte Momplaisir and Claude Prépetit, 2020. Spatiotemporal Evolution of Microseismicity and Repeating Earthquakes in Haiti. SSA meeting, Albuquerque, New Mexico.

[251] Leroy S., V. Roche, F. Guillocheau, P. Dietrich, S. Revillon, L. Watremez, C. Robin, F. Despinois, W. Vetel. 2020. Magma-rich transform margins: example from the Limpopo transform fault zone between Mozambique and Antarctica. EGU Vienna. EGU2020-10508

[250] Cécile ROBIN, François GUILLOCHEAU, Guillaume BABY, Jean-Pierre PONTE, Antoine DELAUNAY, Pierre DIETRICH, Vincent ROCHE, Sylvie LEROY, Sidonie REVILLON, Massimo DALL’ASTA 2020. Tectonic, magmatic and sedimentary evolution of the strike-slip margins of eastern Austral Africa (Mozambique Channel): palaeogeographic constrains. EGU Vienna.  EGU2020-11056.

[249] Roche V., Leroy, S., Guillocheau F., Revillon, S., Dietrich P., Watremez L., Nonn, C., Leprêtre A., Despinois F., Vetel W. 2020. Deformation and evolution history of oblique Mozambique margins system. EGU Vienna.  EGU2020-11077.

[248] Tugend J., Masini E., Leroy S., Jolivet J. 2020. Segmentation and structural style evolution during continental breakup: observations from the Northern Bay of Biscay passive margin (offshore France). EGU Vienna. EGU2020-13177

[247] Watremez L., Leroy, S., d’Acremont E., Rouzo, S. 2020. Crustal structures across the young and oblique North-eastern Gulf of Aden margin. EGU Vienna. EGU2020-19421

[246] N. Bellahsen, R. Pik, S. Leroy, D. Ayalew, C. Doubre. 2020. Rifting, magma, and break-up in Central Afar. EGU Vienna. EGU2020-13122

[245] Pierre DIETRICH, François GUILLOCHEAU, Cécile ROBIN, Vincent ROCHE, Sylvie LEROY, Eduardo ROSSELLO, Sidonie REVILLON 2020. Early Cretaceous extension of Africa and South America: cause and consequences of the Late Aptian intraplate deformation. EGU Vienna. EGU2020-13826

[244] La Rosa A., Doubre C., Pagli C., Sani F., Corti G., Leroy S., Ayele A., Keir, D. 2020. The Mekele (Ethiopia) seismic sequence of March 2018: new preliminary observations on active tectonics along the Western Afar Margin of Afar. EGU Vienna. EGU2020-3084.

[243] Leroy, S. N. Bellahsen, R. Pik, M. Stab, F. Despinois. 2020. Cenozoic tectono-magmatic evolution of the Afar-Red Sea-Gulf of Aden margins system controlled by the early segmentation? Red Sea Conference KAUST, Jeddah. invited talk.

[242] Marianne Janowski, Philippe Razin, Nicolas Grasseau, Sylvie Leroy, Nicolas Bellahsen, Raphaël Pik.  2020. Tectonic and sedimentary evolution along the Western Red Sea: new insights from the Egyptian margin. Red Sea Conference KAUST, Jeddah. invited talk.

[241] Leroy S. & Nonn C. 2020. The Gulf of Aden margins system: evolution from magma-poor to magma-rich margins. AAPG Bahrein. Invited talk.

[240] Possee D., Keir D., et al (S. Leroy included). 2019. Crustal and Mantle Anisotropy in the Transitional Region from Oblique Subduction to Oblique Collision along the North American-Caribbean Plate Boundary. AGU Fall meeting San Francisco.

[239] Leroy S et al. 2019. The Gulf of Aden margins system: evolution from magma-poor to magma-rich margins. Imaging In Rifting Biarritz. October invited talk. 

[238] Sylvie Leroy and Philippe Razin (2019). The Gulf of Aden margins system: insights from tectonic and sedimentology integrated studies. Invited Seminar Erse KAUST. 17 avril 2019. Invited.

[237] Koptev A., Plume-induced micro-continent formation without cessation of subduction. EGU Vienna. EGU2019-2682

[236] Gillard M. and Leroy S., 2019. Architecture of the oceanic crust in the eastern Gulf of Aden: different modes of seafloor spreading. EGU Vienna. EGU2019-4845.

[235] Cannat, M., Sauter, D., Lavier, L., Bickert M., Momoh, E., Leroy S. 2019. Tectonic and magmatic controls on serpentinization at slow spreading mid-ocean ridges. EGU Vienna, EGU2019-12381. Invited.

[234] Momoh E., Cannat M., Leroy S., Watremez L. 2019. Seismic structure of nearly amagmatic oceanic lithosphere, Southwest Indian Ridge (64ºE): constraints on tectonic exhumation of mantle-derived peridotites, serpentinization and incipient magmatism. EGU Vienna, EGU2019-13353.

[233] Tugend J., Masini E., Jolivet L., Leroy, S. 2019. Architecture and segmentation along the Northern Bay of Biscay passive margin (offshore France). EGU Vienna, EGU2019-13395.

[232] Watremez L., Leroy S., d’Acremont E., et al 2019. Deep-structure of the East-Limpopo margin, Mozambique (the PAMELA project). EGU Vienna, EGU2019-13129.

[231] Wessels, R. Ellouz-Zimmermann N., Bellahsen N., 2019. Large strike-slip fault – small displacements:  The Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault Zone – northern Caribbean. EGU Vienna, EGU2019-15667.

[230] Cannat, M., Sauter, D., Lavier, L., Bickert M., Momoh, E., Leroy S. 2018 Flip-flop detachments to volcanic spreading at the ultraslow Southwest Indian Ridge: How does the plate boundary respond to along-axis changes in melt supply ? 2018 AGU Fall meeting Washington. Invited.

[229] Leroy S., Grasseau N., Janowski M., Razin P., Bellahsen N., Pik R., Stab M., Ayalew D., Khanbari K., Eschard R., Groot R., 2018. The Red Sea margins system: insights from tectonic and sedimentology integrated studies. SEG Hurghada. invited talk.

[228] Leroy S., Stab M., Bellahsen N., Pik R., Ayalew D., Khanbari K., Lescanne M. 2018. Early syn-rift segmentation control on the Cenozoic tectono-magmatic evolution of the Afar-Red Sea-Gulf of Aden system. RST Lille.

[227] Jolivet et al. 2018. Coupling of crustal extension with mantle flow. RST Lille.

[226] Tugend, J., Masini E., Jolivet L., Leroy S. 2018. Architecture and segmentation along the Northern Bay of Biscay passive margin. RST Lille.

[225] Schnurle P., Crustal structure of the Natal Valley from combined wide-angle and reflection seismic data (MOZ3/5 cruise), South Mozambique Margin. Seismix 2018.  Cracow MIII-2.

[224] Louise Watremez, Sylvie Leroy, Elia d’Acremont, Mikael Evain, Angélique Leprêtre, Fanny Verrier, Daniel Aslanian, Nuno Dias, Alexandra Afilhado, Philippe Schnurle, Raymi Castilla, Frank Despinois, and Marilyne Moulin, 2018. Deep-structure of the East-Limpopo margin, Mozambique (the PAMELA project). RST, Lille.

[223] Louise Watremez, Sylvie Leroy, Elia d’Acremont, Mikael Evain, Angélique Leprêtre, Fanny Verrier, Daniel Aslanian, Nuno Dias, Alexandra Afilhado, Philippe Schnurle, Raymi Castilla, Frank Despinois, and Marilyne Moulin 2018. Deep-structure of the East-Limpopo margin, Mozambique (the PAMELA project), Conjugate Margins, DAL, Halifax.

[222] Rodríguez-Zurrunero, A., Granja-Bruña, J.L., Leroy, S., Ellouz-Zimmerman, N., Carbó-Gorosabel, A., Muñoz-Martín, A., Gorosabel-Araus, J.M., Corbeau, J., Gómez de la Peña, L., ten Brink, U.S. 2018. Preliminary results of the along- and across-strike crustal structure in the northern Hispaniola margin. AAPG Caribbean basins, 2-5 July 2018, Sigüenza, Spain

[221] Jordane Corbeau, Valérie Clouard, O’Leary Gonzalez, Frédérique Rolandone, Sylvie Leroy, Bernard Mercier de Lépinay, Derek Keir, Graham Stuart, Dominique Boisson, Roberte Bien-aimé Momplaisir and Claude Prépetit. 2018 Moment tensor solutions along the Northern Caribbean plate boundary in western Hispaniola (Haiti). LACSC/SSA meeting, Miami

[220] Daniel Possee, Derek Keir, Nick Harmon, Catherine Rychert, Caroline Eakin, Frédérique Rolandone, Sylvie Leroy, Graham Stuart, Jordane Corbeau, Dominique Boisson, Kelly Guerier, Sophia Ulysse, Roberte Momplaisir. 2018. Seismic Anisotropy of the Crust and Upper Mantle across the Caribbean-North American Plate Boundary from Shear-Wave Splitting on Haiti. LACSC/SSA meeting, Miami.

[219] Robinet, J., Razin, P., Leroy S., Serra-Kiel, J., Roger, J., Gallardo-Garcia A., Grélaud, C., Carayon, B. 2018 – Cenozoic tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the eastern strike-slip margin of the Arabian Plate : new insight for the regional geodynamic. EAGE Copenhagen.

[218] Beniest, A., Sassi, W., Koptev, A., Leroy, S., Rohais, S. 2018. The thermal evolution of the South Atlantic marginal basins. AAPG Lisbonne.

[217] Anouk Beniest, Ernst Willingshofer, Dimitrios Sokoutis, Alexander Koptev, William Sassi, Xavier Guichet, and Sylvie Leroy, 2018. From continental rifting to conjugate passive margins: Insights from analogue and numerical modelling. EUG2018-310.

[216] Koptev A. Sippel, J., Scheck-Wenderoth M., Le Pourhiet L., S. Leroy 2018. The tectonic inventory of the greater Kenya Rift region investigated by 3D numerical models of plume-lithosphere interactions. EGU2018-1592, Vienna.

[215] Beniest A., Koptev A., Sassi W., GUichet X. Leroy S. 2018. The thermal evolution of marginal basins: Results of thermo-mechanical numerical modelling. 2018. EGU2018-2816.

[214] Laveyssiere A., Rychert C., Harmon, N., Keir D., Hammond, J., Kendall, J. Leroy S., Doubre C. 2017. T43D-03: Imaging rifting at the lithospheric scale in the northern East African Rift using S-to-P receiver functions. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans. T41C-0638.

[213] Possee D., Keir D., Harmon Nick, Rychert C., Rolandone F., Leroy S., Stuart, G., Calais E., Boisson D., Ulysse, S., Guerrier K., Momplaisir R., Prepetit C. 2017. Imaging the crustal structure of Haiti’s transpressional fault system using seismicity and tomography. AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans. T41C-0638.

[212] Corbeau J., Clouard V., Rolandone F., Leroy S., Mercier de Lépinay B.2017. Is the Local Seismicity in Haiti Capable of Imaging the Northern Caribbean Subduction? AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans.

[211] Nonn C. & Leroy S. 2017 – Eastern Gulf of Aden Continental Margins – IAS  Toulouse oct. 2017.

[210] Autin J., Scheck-Wenderoth M. and Leroy S. (2017) – 3D modeling of the deep structures of distal rifted margins. 79th EAGE Paris.

[209] Wessels R., Ellouz-Zimmermann N., Bellahsen N., Battani A., Rosenberg C., Leroy S., Momplaisir R. 2017. Fluid circulation through active faults in a transpressive setting – Haiti. Goldschmidt conference Paris.

[208] Koptev et al. 2017 – Polyphase evolution of continental rifting over active mantle upwelling: Spatial and temporal aspects of transition between wide and narrow rifts. EGU Vienna, EGU2017-2670.

[207] Leprêtre A. et al 2017 – First results on the crustal structure of the Natal Valley from combined wide-angle and reflection seismic data (MOZ3/5 cruise), South Mozambique Margin. EGU Vienna, EGU2017-7902.

[206] Verrier et al 2017 – Preliminary results from combined wide-angle and reflection seismic data in the Natal Valley, South Mozambique margin across the Almirante Leite volcanic ridge : MZ2 profile (MOZ3/5 cruise). EGU Vienna, EGU2017-8026.

[205] Jolivet et al. 2017 – Extensional crustal tectonics and crust-mantle coupling, a view from the geological record. EGU Vienna, EGU2017-5327.

[204] Senkans A. et al 2017 – Polyphase Rifting and Breakup of the Central Mozambique Margin. EGU Vienna, EGU2017-12625.

[203] Watremez et al. 2017 – Preliminary results of layered modelling of seismic refraction data at the East Limpopo Margin, Mozambique (PAMELA project, MOZ3/5 cruise). EGU Vienna, EGU2017-12391.

[202] Stab, M., Leroy S. et al 2017 – The Afar-Red Sea-Gulf of Aden volcanic margins system: early syn-rift segmentation and tectono-magmatic evolution. EGU Vienna, EGU2017-18707.

[201] Pik et al 2017 – Development of the Central-Afar volcanic margin, mantle upwelling and break-up processes. EGU Vienna, EGU2017-13702.

[200] Koptev et al 2017 – Plume-induced continental break-up from Red Sea to Lake Malawi: 3D numerical models of the East African Rift System. EGU Vienna, EGU2017-2680.

[199] Koptev et al. 2017 – Across-strike and along-strike asymmetry as an intrinsic characteristic of plume-induced continental rifting: Insights from 3D numerical modeling. EGU Vienna, EGU2017-2676.

[198] Beniest et al 2017 – Different modes of continental break-up triggered by a sole mantle plume: a 2D and 3D numerical study. EGU Vienna, EGU2017-6076.

[197] Beniest et al 2017 – Insights from 2D numerical models on two-branch continental break-up: a single mantle plume’s effect on a laterally heterogeneous lithosphere. EGU Vienna, EGU2017-6053.

[196] Wessels R.J.F., Ellouz-Zimmermann N., Rosenberg C., Hamon Y., Deschamps R. Battani A., Bellahsen N., Leroy S., Momplaisir R. 2016. Characterization of Fluid Transfer Properties in a Transpressive Fault System: Chaîne des Matheux Fold-and-Thrust Belt and Enriquillo-Plantain Garden Fault Zone – Haiti. AGU Fall meeting.

[195] Momoh Ekeabino, Cannat Mathilde, Signh Satish, Watremez Louise & Leroy Sylvie, 2016. 3D seismic reflection imaging of nearly amagmatic oceanic lithosphere at the ultra-slow spreading Southwest Indian Ridge. AGU Fall meeting.

[194] Leroy S., Koptev A., Gerya T., Burov E. & Calais E. 2016. Integrated Numerical Model for the East African Rift System: Plume-induced Rifting and Continental Break-up from Lake Malawi to Red Sea. AGU Fall meeting.

[193] Alexander Koptev, Taras Gerya, Laurent Jolivet, Sylvie Leroy, 2016. Subducting plate break-up by plume-lithosphere interaction. AGU Fall meeting 

[192] Le Gal V., Lucazeau F., Cannat, M., Battani A., Poort J., Guichet X., Monnin C., Fontaine, F., Sylvie Leroy, and the team oceanograpflu. 2016. Heat flow in the flanks of the Oceanographer-Hayes segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge. AGU Fall meeting.

[191] Beniest, A., Koptev, A., Leroy S., Burov E.,  2016 Anomalous lower crustal and surface features as a result of plume-induced continental break-up: Inferences from numerical models. AGU Fall meeting.

[190] Koptev A., Calais E., Burov E., Leroy S., Gerya T. 2016. Modelisations numeriques 3D de l’interaction panache-lithosphère continentale: Implications pour le Rift Est Africain. RST Caen.

[189] Bellahsen, N., Stab M., Pik R., Leroy, S. 2016. Nouveau modèle tectono-magmatique de l’évolution cénozoïque du rift d’Afar central. RST Caen

[188] Nonn, C., Leroy S., Lescanne M., Castilla R. 2016. Structure et cinematique du golfe d’Aden oriental (ile de Socotra – Sud Oman). RST Caen

[187] Wessels, R., Ellouz-Zimmermann, N., Rosenberg, C., Bellahsen N., Hamon, Y., Deschamps, R., Battani, A., Leroy S. & Momplaisir, R. 2016, Polyphase evolution of the Chaîne des Matheux frontal thrust (Haiti). Vol. 18, EGU2016-14293, 2016

[186] Koptev, A., Burov, E., Calais, E., Leroy S., Gerya, T. 2016. Thermo-mechanical modeling of continental rift evolution over mantle upwelling in presence of far-field stresses. EGU General Assembly 2016, held 17-22 April, 2016 in Vienna Austria, p.6676.

[185] Koptev, A, Calais, E., Burov, E., Leroy, S. Gerya T.- Along-axis transition between narrow and wide rifts: Insights from 3D numerical experiments Vol. 18, EGU2016-6511, 2016. Vienna.

[184] Koptev, A., Burov E., Calais E., Leroy S., Gerya T., Guillou-Frottier L., Cloething, S.- 2016. Numerical modeling of continental rifting: Implications for the East African Rift system. EGU General Assembly 2016, held 17-22 April, 2016 in Vienna Austria, p.6294.

[183] Nonn, C., Sylvie Leroy, Raymi Castilla, Philippe de Clarens, Marc Lescanne (2016)  Structural style and tectonic evolution of the easternmost Gulf of Aden conjugate margins (Socotra – Southern Oman), Vol. 18, EGU2016-13524-1, 2016. Vienna.

[182] Pik, R., Stab M., Bellahsen N., Leroy S. – 2016. A new model for the development of the active Afar volcanic margin. EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts 18, 18434

[181] Koptev, A., Burov, E., Calais, E., Leroy, S., Gerya, T., 2015. Transition from a localized to wide deformation along Eastern branch of Central East African Rift: Insights from 3D numerical models. AGU Fall meeting. T41F-04.

[180] Burov, E., Koptev A, Gerya, T., Calais, E. Leroy, S. 2015. Impact of far-field stress distributions and thermo-rheological structure of continental lithosphere on mantle-lithosphere interactions. AGU Fall meeting. T41D-2936

[179] Sylvie Leroy, Mathilde Cannat, Ekeabino Momoh, Satish Singh, Louise Watremez, Daniel Sauter, Julia Autin, Keith Louden, Romuald Daniel, Xuan Lin, Aurélie Jourdain, Gabriel Huot, Lionel Sergent, Shiou-Ya Wang. Anatomy of ultra-slow spreading South West Indian Ridge: the 2014 Sismo-smooth cruise, 2015. AGU Fall meeting, V21A-3027.

[178] Ekeabino Momoh, Sylvie Leroy, Mathilde Cannat, Louise Watremez and Satish Singh 2015. Insights on the nature of the geophysical crust at a melt-starved slow-spreading mid-oceanic ridge. AGU Fall Meeting, V21A-3030.

[177] Gallacher, Ryan J., Derek Keir, Nicholas Harmon, Sylvie Leroy, G. Stuart. 2015. Variations in Shear Wave Splitting Beneath Southern Arabia and the Gulf of Aden. AGU Fall meeting T51G-320.

 [176] Jolivet, L., Crust-mantle interactions and crustal deformations, some geological observations. EGU 2015. Vienna.

[175] Pik R et al The mantle sources beneath the Afar volcanic province and their interplay with extension. EGU 2015. Vienna

[174] Stab, M. The role of magmatism and segmentation in the structural evolution of the Afar Rift. EGU 2015. Vienna

[173] Korostelev Felicie, Upper mantle structure of the southern Arabian margin: insights from teleseismic tomography. EGU 2015. Vienna

[172] Korostelev, F., Magmatism on rift flanks: insights from Ambient-Noise Phase-velocity in Afar region. EGU 2015. Vienna

[171] Laetitia Le Pourhiet,  Effect of obliquity and structural inheritance on the dynamics of passive margins- TS5.1, EGU 2015 Vienna

[170] Chiara Civiero et al., Multiple mantle upwellings beneath the Northern East-African Rift System from relative P- and S-wave traveltime tomography. TS4.4/GMPV7.9/SM6.3- EGU 2015- Vienna

[169] Yui Noguchi, Masao Nakanishi, Kensaku Tamaki, Hiromi Fujimoto, Philippe Huchon, Sylvie D Leroy and Peter Styles – Magnetic Anomaly Lineations in the Gulf of Aden- Fall meeting AGU 2014 San Francisco. GP23A-3663

[168] C Monnin, Anne Battani, L. Ruffine, Ellouz N, Leroy S –  A Pore Fluid Study in the Transform Fault System  of Western Haiti: Investigating Geochemical Processes and Hydrologic Pathways of the Fluids – AGU Fall Meeting 2014 San Francisco. T31B-4591

[167] Jordane Corbeau, Frederique Rolandone, Sylvie D Leroy, B F Mercier De Lepinay, Bertrand Meyer and Nadine Ellouz, The Northern Caribbean Plate Boundary Offshore Hispaniola: Strike-slip and Compressive Tectonic Processes – AGU Fall meeting 2014. San Francisco. OS33A-1040

[166] N. Ellouz-Zimmermann, N., Y. Hamon, R. Deschamps, Schmitz J. Battani A., Ruffine L, Momplaisir R., Leroy S. – Along-Fault Deformation Partitioning of NW Haiti: Implication on Fluid Transfer – AGU Fall meeting 2014. San Francisco. T31B-4588.

[165] Sylvie D Leroy, Nadine Ellouz, Jordane Corbeau, Frederique Rolandone, B F Mercier De Lepinay, Bertrand Meyer, Roberte Momplaisir, Jose-Luis Granja, Anne Battani, E B Burov, Valerie Clouard, Remy Deschamps, Christian Gorini, Youri Hamon, Laetitia LE Pourhiet1, Nicolas Loget1, Francis Lucazeau, Daniel Pillot, Jeffrey Poort, Kevin Tankoo, Jose Luis Cuevas, JoseFernando Alcaide, Claude Jean Poix, Serge Mitton, Yamil Rodriguez, Julien Schmitz, Alfonso Munoz Martin and HAITI-SIS Team – Evidence of left-lateral active motion at the North America-Caribbean plate boundary – AGU Fall Meeting 2014 – San Francisco. OS33B-1057.

[164] Félicie Korostelev, Cornelis Weemstra, Lapo Boschi, Sylvie D Leroy, Yong Ren, Graham William Stuart, Derek Keir, Frederique Rolandone, Abdulhakim Ahmed, Ismail Al Ganad, Khaled Khanbari and Cecile Doubre- Crustal Structure of the Gulf of Aden Continental Margins, from Afar to Oman, by Ambient Noise Seismic Tomography – AGU Fall Meeting 2014 – San Francisco. T53B-4679.

[163] E B Burov, Taras Gerya, Alexander Koptev, Eric Calais and Sylvie D Leroy – Asymmetric and dual 3D rift evolution over mantle plumes in presence of far-field stresses. Insights from ultra-high resolution numerical models – AGU Fall Meeting 2014 – San Francisco. T33B-4665

[162] James O S Hammond1, Chiara Civiero, Saskia D B Goes, Abdulhakim Ahmed, Atalay Ayele, Cecile Doubre, Berhe Goitom, Derek Keir, Michael Kendall, Sylvie D Leroy, Ghebrebrhan Ogubazghi, Georg Rumpker and Graham William Stuart – P-wave travel-time tomography reveals multiple mantle upwellings beneath the northern East-Africa Rift – AGU Fall Meeting 2014 – San Francisco. DI43A-4349.

[161] Alexander Koptev, Eric Calais, E B Burov, Sylvie D Leroy and Taras Gerya – 3D Numerical Model of Continental Breakup via Plume Lithosphere Interaction Near Cratonic Blocks: Implications for the Tanzanian Craton – AGU Fall meeting 2014. San Francisco. T53D-04.

[160] R. Pik, Stab, Ancellin, Medynski, Cloquet, Vye-Brown, Ayalew, Chazot, Bellahsen, Leroy 2014- Which mantle below the active rift segments in Afar? EGU2014-14504 Vienna

[159] Stab M., Pik R., Bellahsen N, Leroy S. 2014 Mode of rifting in magmatic-rich setting: Tectono-magmatic evolution of the Central Afar rift system, EGU2014-14484, Vienna

[158] Koptev A., Burov E., Calais E., Leroy S., T. Gerya – 2014 – 3D numerical model of the plume-lithosphere interactions near cratonic blocks: Implications for the Tanzanian craton. vol 16, EGU2014-7375. Vienna

[157] S. Leroy, Abdulhakim Ahmed, E. d’Acremont, F. Lucazeau, C. Nonn, D. Keir – 2014 – Observations on how does continental crust thin and break-up in the southern Gulf of Aden (Oman/Socotra). EGU Vienna, vol16, 9973.

[156] Chiara Civiero, J. Hammond, S. Goes, A. Ahmed, A. Ayele, C. Doubre, B. Goithom, D. Keir, M. Kendall, S. Leroy, G. Ogubazghi, G. Rumpker, G. Stuart, 2014 – Understanding the nature of mantle upwelling beaneath East-Africa – EGU Vienne

[155] Ryan James Gallacher, Derek Keir, Nicholas Harmon, Graham William Stuart, Sylvie D Leroy, James O S Hammond, J Michael Kendall, Atalay A Wondem, Berhe Goitom Gezahegn, Ghebrebrhan Ogubazghi – 2013 – Mantle structure beneath the Afar triple junction derived from surface wave tomography. AGU Fall meeting San Francisco. 

[154] Ellouz-Zimmermann N., Leroy S., Momplaisir R., Mercier de Lépinay B., and Haiti-sis team – 2013 – From 2012 HAITI-SIS Survey: Thick-skin versus thin-skin tectonics in the Haitian restraining bend. AGU Fall meeting San Francisco.

[153] Autin, J., Bellahsen N., Leroy S. L. Husson, Beslier M.O., d’Acremont E., 2013, Analogue models of oblique rifting: the role of structural inheritance, EGU 2013

[152] Cowie L., Kusznir N., Leroy S. – 2013 – Anomalous subsidence at the Ocean Continent Transition of the Gulf of Aden rifted continental margin. EGU 2013 [152] Cowie L., Kusznir N., Leroy S. – 2013 – Anomalous subsidence at the Ocean Continent Transition of the Gulf of Aden rifted continental margin. EGU 2013

[151] Cowie L., Kusznir N., Leroy S., Manatschal G. – 2013 – Determining OCT structure and COB location of the W Omani continental Margin Gulf of Aden from Gravity Inversion, Residual depth Anomaly and subsidence analysis. EGU 2013.

[150] Bellahsen N., Leroy S., Autin J. d’Acremont, Razin, Husson, Pik, Watremez Beslier, Khanbari – 2013. Structural inheritance, segmentation, and rift localization in the Gulf of Aden oblique rift – EGU Vienna. Invited speaker.

[149] Pik R., Bellahsen N., Leroy S, Khanbari K. – 2013. Transfer/transform relationships in continental rifts and margins and their control on syn- and post-rift denudation: the case of the southeastern Gulf of Aden, Socotra Island, Yemen. EGU Vienna.

[148] Leroy, S., d’Acremont E., Lucazeau F., Poort J., Ahmed A., Keir D., Stuart G. Khanbari K., Bellahsen N., Nonn C.  2013 How does continental crust thin in a young continental margin? Insights from Oman/Socotra conjugate margins in the eastern Gulf of Aden. EGU 2013, Vienna.

[147] Rolandone F., Lucazeau F., Leroy S., Mareschal J.C., Jorand R., Goutorbe B., Bocquerel H. 2013. New heat flow measurements in Oman and the thermal state of the Arabian shield and platform. EGU Vienna.

[146] Stab M., Pik R. Bellahsen N., Leroy S., Dereje – 2013 – Volcano-tectonic evolution of the Western Afar margin: new geochronological and structural data. EGU Vienna.

[145] Corbeau J., Rolandone F., Leroy S., Al-Lazki A., Derek K., Stuart G., Stork A. – 2013 – Uppermost matle velocity from Pn tomography in the Gulf of Aden. EGU Vienna.

[144] Ahmed A. Tiberi C., Leroy S., Stuart G., Keir D., Sholan J., Khanbari K., Al-Ganad I., Basuyau C. – 2013 – Crustal structure of the rifted volcanic margins and uplifted plateau of Western Yemen from receiver function analysis. EGU Vienna.

[143] Ahmed A., Doubre C., Leroy S., Perrot J., Audin L., Rolandone F., Keir D. Al Ganad I., Sholan J., Khanbari K., Mohamed K., Vergne J., Jacques E., Nercessian A. – 2013 – Seismic constraints on a large dyking event and initiation of a transform fault zone in Western Gulf of Aden. EGU Vienna.

[142] Korostelev F., Basuyau C., S. Leroy, A. Ahmed, D. Keir, G. Stuart, F. Rolandone, I. Al Ganad, K. Khanbari 2013 – Influence of the Afar plume on the deep structure of Aden and Red Sea margins – Insight from teleseismic tomography in western Yemen. EGU Vienna.

[141] Baurion C., Gorini C., Leroy S., Migeon S., Lucazeau F., Bache F., Zaragosi S., Smit J., Al Toubi K., Dos Reis T. A. 2013 – Impact of gravity processes on the initial post-rift stages of construction and evolution of a continental margin: Insights from the eastern Gulf of Aden. EGU Vienna.

[140] Baurion C., Zaragosi S., Leroy S., Gorini C., Lucazeau F., Migeon S., Garlan T. – 2013 – The eastern Gulf of Aden, a case study for the setting up of the deep-sea gravity sedimentation on a young continental margin. EGU Vienna.

[139] d’Acremont E., Gorini C. et al (Leroy S. included), 2013. Active sedimentation and tectonics in the South Alboran Sea: Preliminary results of the Marlboro and SARAS surveys. AAPG April.

[138] R.M.S. Fernandes, F. Rolandone, Leroy S., A. Alothman, A. Aydrus, H. Khalil, K. Khanbari, H. Ahmed, M. Bos, P. Nicolon, L. Heydel, 2012 – Opening of the Aden Gulf Ridge Derived from GPS Solutions and Plate Tectonic Models. AGU Fall meeting San Francisco.

[137] Bache, F., Leroy, F., Baurion C., Robinet J., Gorini C., Lucazeau F., Razin, P., d’Acremont E., Al-Toubi K., 2012. Post-rift uplift of the Dhofar Margin (Gulf of Aden).  IGC, Brisbane.

[136] A. Ahmed, C. Doubre, S. Leroy, J. Perrot, L. Audin, F. Rolandone, D. Keir, I. Al-Ganad, K. Khanbari, K. Mohamed, J. Vergne, E. Jacques, and A. Nercessian 2012. Seismic constraints on a large dyking event in Western Gulf of Aden. EGU Vienna. 1529.

[135] Autin J. Bellahsen N., Leroy S., Beslier M.O., d’Acremont E., Husson L., 2012. Analogue models of oblique rifting in a pre-structured lithosphere EGU Vienna. 7219.

[134] Robinet J., Razin P., Serra Kiel J., Gallardo Garcia A., Grelaud C., Roger J., Leroy S. 2012 Oligo-Miocene syn-rift and Miocene post-rift sedimentary records: the tectono-stratigraphic development of the northern proximal margin of the Gulf of Aden. – EGU Vienna. vol 14, 9285.

[133] d’Acremont E., Gorini, C., El Abbassi M. Farran M., Leroy S., Mercier de Lépinay B., Migeon S., Poort J., Ammar A., Smit J., Do Couto D., Ercilla JG., Alaonso B. 2012.Past and present active sedimentation and tectonics in the South Alboran Sea. EGU Vienna, vol 14, 9783.

[132] Jolivet L., Gorini C. Bache F; Smit J. Leroy S. Continental Break-up and the dynamics of rifting in backarc basins: the Gulf of Lions margin 2012. EGU Vienna. vol 14. 1756.

[131] Baurion C., Zaragosi S., Gorini C., Leroy S., Lucazeau F., Migeon S.  2012 Turbidite system architecture and recent sedimentary processes along the Nothern margin of the eastern Gulf of Aden. 6416 – EGU Vienna.

[130] Baurion C., Gorini C., Leroy S., Lucazeau F., Migeon S.  2012. Evolution of post-rift sediment transport on a young rifted margin : Insights from the eastern part of the Gulf of Aden. EGU Vienna. Vol 14. 6354.

[129] Baurion C., Sebastien Zaragosi, Christian Gorini, Sebastien Migeon, Sylvie Leroy, Francis Lucazeau,  2012. Turbidite system architecture and recent sedimentary processes along the northern margin of the eastern Gulf of Aden, 11 au 14 Mars –  IODP Barcelona, p 120.

[128] Leroy, S., Lucazeau, F., Razin, P., YOCMAL team, 2012. Structure and Evolution of the Southern Boundary of the Arabian plate: from Rifting to Spreading in the Gulf of Aden, in: University, S.Q. (Ed.), International Conference on the Geology of the Arabian plate and the Oman Mountains. SQU, Muscat.

[127] Lucazeau, F., Rolandone, F., Leroy, S., 2012. The Thermal regime of the Arabian plate, Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, in: University, S.Q. (Ed.), International Conference on the Geology of the Arabian plate and the Oman Mountains. SQU, Muscat.

[126] Denèle, Y., Leroy, S., Pelleter, E., Pik, R., Talbot, J.-Y., Khanbari, K., 2012. The Cryogenian arc formation and successive high-K calc-alkaline plutons of Socotra Island (Yemen), in: University, S.Q. (Ed.), International Conference on the Geology of the Arabian plate and the Oman Mountains. SQU, Muscat.

[125] Leroy, S., Razin, P., Lucazeau, F., Manatschal, G., 2012. Rifting to spreading in the Gulf of Aden, in: Leeds, U. (Ed.), Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism Conference. Afar Consortium, Addis Abeba.

[124] Rolandone, F., Lucazeau, F., Leroy, S., 2012. The Thermal regime of the Arabian plate, Red Sea and Gulf of Aden, in: Leeds, U. (Ed.), Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism Conference. Afar Consortium, Addis Abeba.

[123] Lancelot, F., Tiberi, C., Leroy, S., Basuyau, C., Ahmed, A., Stuart, G., Keir, D., Al-Ganad, I., 2012. Deep Structure of Aden and Red Sea margins – insight from teleseismic tomography in western Yemen, in: Leeds, U. (Ed.), Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism Conference Afar Consortium, Addis Abeba.

[122] Denèle, Y., Pik, R., Leroy, S., 2012. Thermal and tectonic histories of the Jabel Bura per-alkaline granite on the oriental margin of the Red Sea (Yemen), in: Leeds, U. (Ed.), Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism Conference Afar Consortium, Addis Abeba.

[121] Ahmed, A., Doubre, C., Leroy, S., Perrot, J., Audin, L., Rolandone, F., Keir, D., Al-Ganad, I., Khanbari, K., 2012. November 2010 Earthquake Swarm – Western Gulf of Aden, in: Leeds, U. (Ed.), Magmatic Rifting and Active Volcanism Conference. Afar Consortium, Addis Abeba.

[120] Baurion, C., Gorini, C., Leroy, S., Lucazeau, F., Migeon, S., Bache, F., Zaragosi, S., Smit, J., Al Toubi, K., Dos Reis, T. 2011 First-stages formation and evolution of gravity-driven processes in the Eastern Gulf of Aden. In: AGU (Ed.), Fall meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

[119] Watremez, L., Leroy, S., d’Acremont, E., 2011. Nature of deep crustal structures of the northeastern Gulf of Aden margin inferred from S-wave modeling, in: AGU (Ed.), Fall meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

[118] Leroy, S., Razin, P., Lucazeau, F., d’Acremont, E., Autin, J., Watremez, L., Robinet, J., Baurion, C., , 2011. Rifting to spreading in the Gulf of Aden, in: AGU (Ed.), Fall meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

[117] d’Acremont, E., Gorini, C., El Abbassi, M., Farran, M., Leroy, S., Mercier de Lépinay, B., Migeon, S., Poort, J., Ammar, A., Smit, J., Ercilla, G., Alonso, B., team, M., 2011. Tectonic and stratigraphic evolution in South Alboran Sea (Morocco), in: AGU (Ed.), Fall Meeting, San Francisco.

[116] d’Acremont, E., Gorini, C., Ammar, A., Do Couto, D., El Abbassi, M., Le Pourhiet, L., Smit, J., Farran, M., Leroy, S., Mercier de Lépinay, B., Migeon, S., Poort, J., Ercilla, G., Alonso, B., team, M., 2011. SARAS – South Alboran Research of Active Systems: first results and future cruises, Tetouan.

[115] Ellouz Zimmermann, N., Frery, E., Leroy, S., Mercier de Lepinay, B., Momplaisir, R., 2011. Deep–fault connection characterization from combined field and geochemical methodology; examples from Green River and Haiti fault systems, in: AGU (Ed.), Fall Meeting, San Francisco.

[114] Baurion C., Gorini C., Leroy S., Lucazeau F., SMit J., Migeon S., Bache F., Al-Toubi K. – 2011. Mass wasting and canyon formation in the light of climate and tectonics: Insights from the Gulf of Aden rifted margin. 12th International Congress of the Brazilian Geophysical Society. Rio de Janeiro.

[113] Watremez L., Burov E., d’Acremont E., Leroy S., Huet B. – 2011. Mantle densities and rupture criterion: thermo-mechanical modelling applied to the eastern Gulf of Aden. EGU, Vienna.

[112] Leroy S. et al. – Continental margins and Ocean-Continent Transitions of the Gulf of Aden: how Africa and Arabia broke up? 2010. Invited speaker. AGU Fall meeting San Francisco. 

[111] German, C.R., Bowen, A., Coleman, M.L., Honig, D.L., Huber, J.A., Jakuba, M.V., Kinsey, J.C., Kurz, M.D., Leroy, S., McDermott, J.M., Mercier de Lépinay, B., Nakamura, K., Seewald, J.S., Smith, J.L., Sylva, S.P., Van Dover, C.L., Whitcomb, L.L., Yoerger, D.R., Diverse styles of submarine venting on the ultraslow spreading Mid-Cayman Rise, Fall meeting, invited oral, San Francisco, 2010.

[110] Leroy, S., Pubellier, M., Ellouz-Zimmermann E., Momplaisir, R., Boisson, D., Amilcar H. Deformation partitioning at the junction between the Enriquillo fault and the Trans- Haitian belt. Fall meeting AGU, 2010.

[109] Baurion, C., Gorini, C., Leroy S., Lucazeau, F., Bache, F., Al Toubi, K. Initiation and evolution processes of submarine instabilities and canyons: Insights from the Northern margin of the Gulf of Aden. Fall meeting, AGU, San Francisco. 2010.

[108] Doubre, C., Vergne, J., Mohamed, K., Tiberi, C., Leroy, S., Maggi, A., 2010. Geometry of the Arabia-Somalia Plate Boundary into Afar: Preliminary Results from the Seismic Profile across the Asal Rift (Djibouti), Fall meeting, AGU, San Francisco, 2010.

[107] Tiberi, C., Ahmed, A., Leroy S., Stuart, G., Keir, D., Khanbari, K., Al Ganad I. Imaging the triple junction Red Sea-Gulf of Aden-East African Rift with temporary seismological networks. Fall meeting, AGU, San Francisco, 2010.

[106] Ahmed, A., Tiberi C., Leroy S., Stuart, G., Keir, D., Al-Ganad, I., Rolandone, F., Khanbari, K., Break-up processes for the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden from a receiver function analysis, Fall meeting, AGU, San Francisco, 2010.

[105] Keir, D., Ebinger, E. Leroy S. 2010 – Knowledges of the rift systems of East Africa-Red Sea-Aden. Invited keynote, GeoPrisms NSF, Santa Fe USA. 

[104] Robinet, J., Razin, P., Serra Kiel, J., Roger, J., Grelaud, C. & Leroy S. 2010. Évolution des systèmes sédimentaires paléogènes sur la marge orientale de la plaque Arabe (Huqf, Sultanat d’Oman), RST. RST, Bordeaux.

[103] Razin, P., Leroy, S., Robin, C., Robinet, J., Serra Kiel J., Bellahsen, N. & Grelaud, C. 2010. Dispositifs tecto-sédimentaires syn-rift et post-rift oligo-miocènes sur la marge Sud du golfe d’Aden – Île de Socotra (Yémen). RST Bordeaux. 

[102] Razin, P., Robin, C., Sierra Kiel, J., Bellahsen, N., Leroy, S., Grelaud, C., Robinet J. 2010. Cenozoic evolution of Socotra Island in relation with the opening of the Gulf of Aden., In: EGU Vienna.

[101] Baurion, C., Gorini G., Leroy, S., Lucazeau, F., Bache, B. & Al-Toubi, K. 2010. Initiation and evolution processes of submarine instabilities and canyons: insights from the Northern margin of the Gulf of Aden., In: EGU Vienna.

[100] Leroy, S., Robin, C., Manatschal, G., Rabineau, M., Gorini, C., Lucazeau, F., Geoffroy, L., Dauteuil, O., Migeon, S., Mulder, T., Actions Marges: the French Margins program, MARGINS Successor Planning Workshop, NSF, San Antonio, 2010. 

[99] Autin, J., Leroy, S., d’Acremont, E., Beslier, M. O., Bellahsen, N., Husson, L., Ribodetti, A., Razin, P., Robin, C. & Al-Toubi, K. 2009a. Continental break-up history of conjugate margins from seismic reflection and analogue modelling (oriental Gulf of Aden). In: ILP meeting. ILP, Abu Dhabi.

[98] Leroy, S., Ebinger, C., Lucazeau, F. & Encens team. 2009a. Style Variations along the eastern Gulf of Aden margin: a combined MCS-OBS-Heat flow survey (Encens experiment). In: US MARGINS conf. NSF, Charleston.

[97] Leroy S., Lucazeau, F. & Encens team. 2009b. Style Variations along the eastern Gulf of Aden margin: a combined MCS-OBS-Heat flow survey (Encens experiment). In: ASF, Rennes.

[96] Autin, J., Leroy S., d’Acremont, E., Beslier, M. O., Bellahsen, N., Husson, L., Ribodetti, A., Razin, P., Robin, C. & Al-Toubi, K. 2009b. Continental break-up history of conjugate margins from seismic reflection and analogue modelling (oriental Gulf of Aden). In: Fall meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

[95] Bache, F., Leroy S., Baurion, C., Gorini, C., Lucazeau, F., Razin, P., Robinet, J., d’Acremont, E. & Autin, J. 2009a. Post-rift uplift of the rifted margin of the Gulf of Aden. In: Fall meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

[94] Basuyau, C., Tiberi, C., Leroy, S., Ebinger, C., Stuart, G., Al-Lazki, A., Al-Toubi, K., Rolandone, F., d’Acremont, E., Ahmed, A. & Keir, D. 2009. Seismic structure of the northern margin of the Gulf of Aden. In: Fall meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

[93] Bellahsen, N., Autin, J., Leroy, S., d’Acremont, E., Beslier, M.-O., Husson, L. & Al-Toubi, K. 2009. How and when did a strong thinning occur in the Gulf of Aden? A discussion from field, geophysical data and analogue models. In: Fall Meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

[92] d’Acremont, E., Leroy, S., Beslier, M. O., Autin, J., Watremez, L., Maia, M. & Gente, P. 2009. Ocean-Continent transition and oceanic ridge structural evolution (eastern Gulf of Aden): implications for rift to seafloor spreading processes. In: Fall Meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

[91] Denèle, Y., Leroy, S., Champanhet, J. M., Bellahsen, N. & Pik, R. 2009. Proterozoic inheritance in the Gulf of Aden: the example of the Socotra Island (Yemen). In: Fall meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

[90] Grindlay, N., Hayman, N., Perfit, M., Mann, P., Leroy, S. & Mercier de Lépinay, M. 2009. Mechanisms for crustal thinning along the ultraslow spreading Mid-Cayman Spreading center. In: Fall meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

[89] Leroy, S., Lucazeau, F., d’Acremont, E., Watremez, L., Autin, J., Rouzo, S., Bellahsen, N., Ebinger, C., Beslier, M.-O., Tiberi, C., Perrot, J., Razin, P., Stuart, G., Al-Lazki, A., Al-Toubi, K., Bonneville, A., Goutorbe, B., Rolandone, F., Bache, F., Huchon, P., Unternehr, P. & Khanbari, K. 2009c. Contrasted styles of rifting in the eastern Gulf of Aden. In: Fall meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

[88] Razin, P., Robin, C., Serra Kiel, J., Leroy, S., Bellahsen, N. & Khanbari, K. 2009. Cenozoic evolution of Socotra island: opening of the Gulf of Aden. In: Fall meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

[87] Rolandone, F., Lucazeau, F., Leroy, S., Jaupart, C. & Encens-Flux team. 2009a. Thermal regime of a young passive margin from heat flow measurements in the eastern Gulf of Aden and in the Arabian platform In: Fall meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

[86] Watremez, L., Leroy, S., Rouzo, S., d’Acremont, E. & Burov, E. 2009a. Deep structure and evolution of the Northeastern Gulf of Aden margin from wide-angle seismic and thermomechanical modeling. In: Fall Meeting. AGU, San Francisco.

[85] Autin, J., Bellahsen, N., Husson, L., Beslier, M. O., Leroy, S. & d’Acremont, E. 2009c. Evolution and segmentation of oblique rift in a cold lithosphere: Insights from analogue modeling. In: EGU General Assembly 2009 Vienna.

[84] Autin, J., Leroy, S., d’Acremont, E., Beslier, M. O., Ribodetti, A., Bellahsen, N., Razin, P. & Robin, C. 2009d. Continental break-up history of conjugate poor magmatic margins from seismic reflection (oriental Gulf of Aden). In: EGU General Assembly 2009 EGU, Vienna.

[83] Bache, F., Leroy, S., Autin, J., Watremez, L. & Rouzo, S. 2009b. Late differentiation of proximal and distal margins in the Gulf of Aden. In: EGU General Assembly 2009. EGU, Vienna.

[82] Rolandone, F., Lucazeau, F., Jaupart, C., Leroy, S., Bache, F., Amerjeed, M. & Lally, J. 2009b. New heat flow measurements in Oman in the Arabian plate. In: EGU General Assembly 2009, Vienna.

[81] Watremez, L., Leroy, S., Rouzo, S., d’Acremont, E. & Lucazeau, F. 2009b. Crustal structure of the NE Gulf of Aden continental margin from wide-angle seismic data. In: EGU General Assembly 2009. EGU, Vienna.

[80] Lucazeau, F., Leroy, S., Bonneville, A., Goutorbe, B., d’Acremont, E., Rolandone, F., Huchon, P., Düsünur, D., Watremez, L. & Bellahsen, N. 2009. Heat-Flow measurements in the eastern Gulf of Aden: where are the evidences of fluid circulations? . In: EGU General Assembly 2009. EGU, Vienne.

[79] Ebinger, C. & Leroy, S. 2008. Unraveling the Role of Plume Proximity in Continental Breakup: Comparisons of the southern Red Sea and eastern Gulf of Aden rifts. In: ODC. IODP.

[78] Leroy, S., Lucazeau, F., Razin, P. & Encens team. 2008a. Le Golfe d’Aden: un laboratoire naturel pour l’étude des marges continentales divergentes. In: RST. Invited Conference, Nancy.

[77] Leroy, S., Lucazeau, F., Razin, P., Manatschal, G. & YOCMAL team. 2008b. The « Young Conjugate Margins Laboratory » project in the Gulf of Aden. In: Gulf Seismic Conference, Sana’a.

[76] Autin, J., Leroy, S., d’Acremont, E., Beslier, M.-O., Ribodetti, A., Bellahsen, N., Razin, P. & Robin, C. 2008a. Continental break-up history of a poor magnetic margin from seismic reflection (NE Gulf of Aden margin, offshore Oman). In: EGU, Vienna.

[75] Autin, J., Leroy, S., d’Acremont, E., Beslier, M.-O., Ribodetti, A., Bellahsen, N., Razin, P. & Robin, C. 2008b. Continental break-up history of a poor magnetic margin from seismic reflection (NE Gulf of Aden margin, offshore Oman). . In: Geophysical Research Abstracts European Geoscience Union General, Vienna.

[74] Watremez, L., Leroy, S., Rouzo, S. & d’Acremont, E. 2008. Deep structure of the northeastern Gulf of Aden margin from wide angle seismic network: Encens cruise. In: EGU, Vienna.

[73] Autin, J., Leroy, S., d’Acremont, E., Beslier, M.O., Ribodetti, A., Bellahsen, N.,  2007- Structure and evolution of the north eastern Gulf of Aden margin, EGU.

[72] Lucazeau, F., S. Leroy, E. d’Acremont, A. Bonneville, D. Dusunur, B. Goutorbe, P. Huchon, F. Rolandone, P. Tuchais, L. Watremez, N. Bellahsen, 2007, Thermal regime of a young passive margin: the eastern Gulf of Aden, EGU Vienne.

[71] Leroy, S., E. d’Acremont, J. Autin, L. Watremez, F. Lucazeau, M.O. Beslier, S. Rouzo, C. Tiberi, N. Bellahsen, C. Robin, P. Razin, P. Huchon, J. Perrot, F. Mouthereau, F. Rolandone1, A. Ribodetti, F. Sage, E. Ebinger, G. Stuart, A. Al-Lazki, K. Al-Toubi, K. Khanbari  2007 – Structure and Evolution of the continent-ocean zones of the eastern Gulf of Aden Passive Margins – OCT International meeting Paris – Septembre 2007.

[70] Lucazeau, F., S. Leroy, A. Bonneville, B. Goutorbe, E. d’Acremont, F. Rolandone,  L. Watremez, D. Dusunur, P. Tuchais, P. Huchon, N. Bellahsen 2007 – The thermal regime at the Ocean-Continent Transitions from heat-flow observations and constraints – OCT International meeting Paris – Septembre 2007.

[69] Lucazeau, F., A. Bonneville, S. Leroy and the ENCENS-FLUX team 2007 – Thermal regime of young continental margins:how important are the fluids? – Heat Flow and Hydrothermalism conference – Salt Lake City – Septembre 2007.

[68] Rolandone, F., S. Leroy, C. Tiberi,  F. Lucazeau, A. Bonneville, C. Jaupart 2007 – Thermal effect of the Afar plume in the Gulf of Aden – 50th anniversary Geophysical Observatory – International Conference – Addis Ababa – November 2007.

[67] Leroy, S., F. Lucazeau, Ph Razin, G. Manatschal and the YOCMAL project team 2007 – The « Young Conjugate Margins Laboratory » project in the Gulf of Aden – 50th anniversary Geophysical Observatory – International Conference – Addis Ababa – November.

[66] Watremez, L., S. Leroy, S. Rouzo, E. d’Acremont, C. Tiberi, E. Burov and A. Al-Lazki 2007 – Deep Structure of the Northeastern Gulf of Aden Margin From Wide-Angle Seismic Network – AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco .

[65] d’Acremont, E., S. Leroy, M. Maia, P. Gente, and J. Autin 2007 – Structure and segmentation of the eastern Gulf of Aden basin and the Sheba ridge from gravity, bathymetric and magnetic anomalies: implications for accretion processes – AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco.

[64] Autin, J., S. Leroy, E. d’Acremont, M.-O. Beslier, A. Ribodeti, N. Bellahsen, Ph. Razin, C. Robin, C. Grelaud, K. Al-Toubi 2007 – Crustal geometry of a first order segment in the northeastern Gulf of Aden margin from seismic reflection (offshore Oman) – AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco.

[63] Leroy, S., F. Lucazeau, Ph Razin, G. Manatschal and the YOCMAL project team 2007 – The « Young Conjugate Margins Laboratory » project in the Gulf of Aden – AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco.

[62] Basuyau, C., C. Tiberi, S. Leroy, G. Stuart, A. Al-Lazki, K. Al-Toubi, C. Ebinger, 2007 -Evidence of partial melting beneath a continental margin: case of Dhofar, in the Northern Gulf of Aden (Sultanate of Oman), AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco.

[61] Tiberi C., Leroy S., d’Acremont E., Bellahsen N., Ebinger C.  2006 – Coupe crustale de la marge Nord du Golfe d’Aden grâce aux fonctions récepteurs. Colloque GDR Marges Paris.

[60] Leroy S., d’Acremont E., Autin J., Courrèges E., Bellahsen N., Beslier M.O, Lucazeau F., Mouthereau F., Perrot J., Huchon P. 2006 – Données nouvelles de la campagne ENCENS (N/O L’Atalante, Février-Mars 2006). Colloque GDR Marges Paris.

[59] Razin P., Leroy S., Robin C. Pointu A., Serra Kiel J., Bellahsen N., d’Acremont E. 2006 -Enregistrement tectono-sédimentaire de l’évolution géodynamique des marges conjuguées du golfe d’Aden. Colloque GDR Marges Paris.

[58] Leroy, S., E. d’Acremont, N. Bellahsen, C. Tiberi, M.O. Beslier, C. Ebinger, Razin P., Robin C., Pointu A., Lucazeau F., Al Lazki A., Gente P., Maia M., Perrot J., Patriat P., Huchon P., Toubi K. 2006 – Mécanismes de formation des marges continentales du golfe d’Aden : de l’enregistrement sédimentaire à la lithosphère. Une synthèse. Colloque GDR Marges Paris.

[57] Lucazeau F., Leroy S., Bonneville A., Goutorbe B., d’Acremont E., Humler E., Razin P., Robin C., Beslier M.O., Rolandone F. 2006 – Mesures de flux et dragages sur les marges du golfe d’Aden (présentation du projet de campagne Encens-Flux). Colloque GDR Marges Paris.

[56] Bellahsen N., Leroy S., Husson L., d’Acremont E., Beslier M.O., Faccenna C., Autin J. 2006 – Relation entre héritage tectonique, rifting oblique et ouverture du golfe d’Aden : modélisations analogiques. Colloque GDR Marges Paris.

[55] d’Acremont, E., Leroy, S., Beslier M.O., Bellahsen N., Patriat P. 2006 – Structures des marges conjuguées en mer et début de l’accrétion océanique. Colloque GDR Marges Paris.

[54] Pointu A., Tiberi C., Leroy S., Ebinger C., d’Acremont E. 2006- Tomographie télésismique de la partie proximale d’une marge. Colloque GDR Marges Paris.

[53] Tiberi, C., S. Leroy, Ebinger, C., Stuart, G., d’Acremont, E., Autin, J., Pointu, A. 2006. Imaging the lithospheric structure of a young passive margin, case of the Dhofar area by seismic studies. Gulf of Seismic Forum, Muscat, Oman.

[52] Leroy, S., Ebinger, C., d’Acremont, E., Stuart, G., Al-Lazki, A., Tiberi, C., Autin, J., Watremez, L., Beslier, M.O., Bellahsen, N., Lucazeau, F., Perrot, J., Mouthereau, F., Courrèges, E., Huchon, P., Rouzo, S., Bahalaf, S., Sholan, J., Unternehr, P., Hello, Y., Anglade, A., Desprez, O., Beguery, L., Aouji, O., Daniel, R., Al-Toubi, K., and Sage, F., 2006 – The onshore-offshore ENCENS project:  Imaging the stretching/thinning of the continental lithosphere and inception of oceanic spreading in the eastern Gulf of Aden, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.

[51] Tiberi, C., Leroy, S., Stuart, G., d’Acremont, E., Bellahsen, N. , Ebinger, C., Al-Lazki, A., Pointu A. 2006 – Crustal geometry of the northern continental passive margin of the eastern Gulf of Aden (Dhofar southern Oman) inferred from teleseismic receiver function analysis. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco.

[50] Al-Lazki, A., Ebinger, C., Kendall, M., Helffrich, G., Leroy, S., Tiberi, C., & Stuart, G. – 2006, Anisotropy Orientation from SKS Shear Wave Splitting, along the Southeastern Margin of Arabia, Dhofar Region, Oman – AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts -1325 

[49] Autin, J., Leroy, S., d’Acremont, E., Beslier, M.O, Bellahsen, N. Ribodetti, A, Sage, F. 2006 – Structuration et segmentation de la marge nord du Golfe d’Aden oriental : premiers résultats de la campagne ENCENS – Réunion Sciences de la Terre, Dijon.

[48] Tiberi, C., d’Acremont, E., Leroy, S., Ebinger, C., and the Dhofar group, 2004. DHOFAR Seismic Experiment: First results to understand the breakup processes in a passive margin context, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco. T41E-1259

[47] d’Acremont, E., Leroy, S., Tiberi, C., Pointu, A., Ebinger, C., 2004. Imaging a passive margin structure by combinating seismic, gravity, magnetism and seismological data, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco, T41E-1258.

[46] Leroy, S., d’Acremont, E., Tiberi, C., Ebinger, C., and the encens group, 2004. Rifting to spreading processes in the eastern Gulf of Aden, the ENCENS project, AGU Fall meeting, San Francisco. T41E-1257

[45] Bellahsen, N., Leroy, S., d’Acremont, E., Husson, L. and Pointu, A., 2004. A model of oblique rifting for the gulf of aden: insights from field data, analogue and analytical models. In: RST, Strasbourg.

[44] Huchon, P., Leroy, S. and the Tadjouraden & Encens-Sheba team, 2004. The Gulf of Aden: A natural laboratory for non volcanic vs. volcanic margins studies, EAGE, Paris.

[43] d’Acremont, E., Leroy, S., Beslier, M. O., Bellahsen, N. and Patriat, P., 2004. From continental rifting to oceanic spreading: the conjugate passive margins of the eastern Gulf of Aden. In: EGU, Nice.

[42] d’Acremont E., Leroy S., Beslier M.O, Fournier M., Bellahsen N., Patriat P., Maia M., 2003 – The conjugate passive margins of the eastern Gulf of Aden : structure and oceanic initiation, in AGU-EGS-EUG, EAE03-A-09586, Nice.

[41] Leroy S., d’Acremont E., Patriat P., Maia M., Gente P., Burov, E, Toh H., 2003, Evidence of a thermal anomaly in the eastern Gulf of Aden, in AGU-EGS-EUG, EAE03-A-09640, Nice.

[40] Ruellan E, Mercier de Lépinay B, Beslier M.O., Sosson M, Monnier C, Leroy S, Rowe D, Cruz Calderon G, Morphology and Tectonics of the Mid-Cayman Spreading center (CAYVIC Cruise), AGU-EUG-EGS, EAE03-A-12580, Nice 2003.

[39] Gente P., Leroy S, Maia M, Blias A, d’Acremont E, Patriat P., The high magmatic budget of one Sheba ridge segment: an end-member of the slow spreading processes, AGU-EGS-EUG, EAE03-A-14830, Nice 2003.

[38] d’Acremont E., Leroy S., Beslier M.O., Bellahsen N., Patriat, P. et M. Fournier, 2002 – Les marges conjuguées orientales du golfe d’Aden (Résultats de la campagne ENCENS-SHEBA) – Colloque GDRMarges à mi parcours, 13-14 février 2002, Rueil Malmaison, p. 6-7.

[37] Gente, P., Leroy S., A. Blais, E. d’Acremont, P. Patriat, M. Fournier, M. Maia, J. Perrot, 2002, La dorsale de SHEBA : une dorsale particulière ou un cas extrême des processus d’accrétion aux dorsales lentes ?, in RST, Nantes.

[36] d’Acremont, E., Leroy S., N. Bellahsen, M.O. Beslier, M. Fournier, P. Gente, and P. Patriat, 2002, Structure and evolution of the conjugate passive margins of the eastern gulf of Aden: the oceanisation process, in EGS, Nice.

[35] Leroy S., Fournier M., Gente P. and the scientific team, 2001- Preliminary results of the Encens-Sheba cruise – Geoconference in Oman, Muscat, 7-11 Janvier 2001.

[34] d’Acremont E., Leroy S., Mauffret, A. , 2001- Deformation of the Lower Nicaragua rise (Caribbean LIP), EUG XI, Strasbourg.

[33] d’Acremont E., Burov E., Leroy S., Petit C., 2001 – Numerical modeling of the Caribbean LIP. – EUG XI, Strasbourg.

[32] Leroy S., Fournier M., and the scientific team, 2001 – The conjugate margins of the eastern part of the gulf of Aden. – EUG XI, Strasbourg.

[31] d’Acremont, E., Leroy S., P.Y. Ruellan, N. Bellahsen, M.O. Beslier, M. Fournier, P. Gente, and P. Patriat, 2001Tectonics and evolution of the conjugate passive margins of the eastern Gulf of Aden (Encens-Sheba cruise), in Fall Meeting, edited by AGU, San Francisco.

[30] Gente, P., Leroy S., A. Blais, E. d’Acremont, P. Patriat, J.M. Fleury, M. Maia, J. Perrot, and M. Fournier, , 2001 The SHEBA ridge : a particular spreading center or an end-member of the slow spreading processes ?, in Fall meeting, edited by AGU, pp. T52A, San Francisco.

[29] Leroy, S., M. Fournier, P. Gente, A. Al-Kathiri, N. Bellahsen, M.O. Beslier, A. Blais, E. d’Acremont, S. Mercouriev, P. Patriat, and J. Perrot, 2001 Structure of a young oceanic basin: results of the Encens-Sheba cruise in the eastern Gulf of Aden, in Fall meeting, edited by AGU, pp. T52A-0924, San Francisco.

[28] Toh, H., T. Goto, E. d’Acremont, and Leroy S., 2001 – Electrical 2D section of a continetal break-up region, Gulf of Aden – Results from the ANC cruise, in Fall Meeting, edited by AGU, San Francisco.

[27] d’Acremont E., Leroy S., Mauffret, A. 2000 – Etude structurale de la ride inférieure du Nicaragua: Migration de la limite Nord de la plaque Caraïbe, RST 2000, Paris, 113.

[26] d’Acremont E., Leroy S., Mauffret, A. 1999 – La ride inférieure du Nicaragua : étude tectonique. Villefranche sur mer, Sciences de la Mer Univ. P6.

[25] Leroy S., D’acremont E., Mauffret, A. 1999 – Géométrie et mise en place des réflecteurs pentés en bordure de plateau océanique Caraïbe. SGF “ Marges océaniques et magmatisme associé” Villefranche sur mer.

[24] Fournier, M., Patriat P. & Leroy S. 1999 – Un nouveau point triple Arabie-Inde-Somalie. SGF “ Marges océaniques et magmatisme associé ” Villefranche sur mer.

[23] Diebold J, Driscoll N, Leroy S., & Mauffret A. 1997- How to build an oceanic plateau: lessons from the Caribbean – AGU Spring meeting, Boston. 

[22] Leroy S., & Mauffret A. 1997 – Seismic structure of the Caribbean Large Igneous Province 1997 – Europ. Union of Geosciences 9 Strasbourg. p522

[21] Diebold J., Mauffret A. & Leroy S. 1997 – Seismic images of the Venezuelan volcanic plateau (Caribbean Sea) – Europ. Union of Geosciences 9 Strasbourg. p525

[20] Mauffret A., Leroy S., Hallot E., Mercier de Lépinay B., Vila J.M., Duncan R., Boisson D., Martinez Moreno C. & Perez D. 1997 – A deep scratch of the Caribbean Igneous Province: first results of the Nautica submersible survey – Europ. Union of Geosciences 9 Strasbourg. p 522

[19] Leroy S., Mauffret A. & Mercier de Lépinay B. 1995 – Evolution de la frontière Nord Caraïbe : le fossé Cayman – Géosciences Marines, Brest

[18] Leroy S. & Mauffret A. 1995 – La Grande Province Volcanique  Caraïbe – Géosciences Marines, Brest

[17] Mauffret A. & Leroy S. 1995 – Tectonique intraplaque du bassin Caraïbe – Géosciences Marines, Brest

[16] Diebold J., Driscoll N., Buhl P., Abrams L., Donnelly T., Laine E. & Leroy S. 1995 – A regional geophysical survey of the Venezuelan Basin and Beata ridge; implications for interpretations of stratigraphy and tectonics. – AGU Fall meeting, F614.

[15] Leroy S., Mauffret A., Diebold J. & Driscoll N. 1995 – Intraplate deformation of the Caribbean plate: results from geophysical data – invited AGU Fall meeting, F615.

[14] Diebold J., Driscoll N., Buhl P., Abrams L., Donnelly T., Laine E. & Leroy S. 1995 – Tectonic model for the origin and evolution of the  Rough/smooth basement in the Venezuelan Basin – AGU Fall meeting, F615.

[13] Bitri A., Leroy S. & Mauffret A. 1995 – Enhancement continuity of sub-B” horizon in Aruba Gap (Caribbean Sea) by migration velocity analysis – AGU Fall meeting, F614.

[12] Mercier de Lépinay, B., Leroy S., Mauffret A. & Pubellier M. 1995 – Tectonic evolution of the Eastern Cayman trough (Caribbean Sea) from Geophysical Data –  AGU Fall meeting, F615.

[11] Pubellier M., Leroy S., Mauffret A. & Vila J.M. 1995 – The Neogene Plate Boundary Readjustment in oblique convergence (Hispaniola, Greater Antilles). – AGU Fall meeting, F615.

[10] Diebold J., Driscoll N., Buhl P., Abrams L., Donnelly T., Laine E. & Leroy S. 1995 – Stratigraphy and Tectonics of the Venezuelan basin and Beata ridge: results from a new regional survey – Geol. Soc. Amer. Meeting

[9] Leroy S., Mercier de Lépinay B. & Mauffret A. 1995 – Cayman trough : structures and evolution – 14th Caribbean Geological conf. Trinidad.

[8] Mauffret A. & Leroy S. 1995 – The Caribbean volcanic plateau – 14th Caribbean Geological conf. Trinidad.

[7] Leroy S., Mercier de Lépinay B. & Mauffret A. 1995 – Tectonic evolution of a giant pull-apart basin (Cayman trough, Caribbean Sea) – Europ. Union of Geosciences 8, Strabourg. 

[6] Mauffret A. & Leroy S. – The Mid-Miocene tectonic revolution in the Caribbean zone 1995 – Europ. Union of Geosciences 8, Strasbourg.

[5] Leroy S., Mercier de Lépinay B. & Mauffret A. 1994 – Mise en évidence de la limite continent-océan dans la Fosse Cayman (Campagne Casis en Caraibes) – 15ème Réunion des Sciences de la Terre, Nancy.

[4] Mauffret A., Leroy S. & Bitri A. – Seismic images of the Caribbean volcanic plateau 1994 – XIXth General Assembly of the EGS, Grenoble, I-12.

[3] Bitri A., Leroy S. & Mauffret A. 1994 – Migration velocity analysis based on common shot depth migration applied to the seismic data of the Caribbean volcanic plateau – XIXth General Assembly of EGS, Grenoble, I-12.

[2] Leroy S., Mercier de Lépinay B. & Mauffret A. 1994 – Images of the Continent-Ocean boundary: the Cayman trough (Caribbean area) – XIXth General Assembly of the EGS, Grenoble, I-12. 

[1] Mauffret A., Leroy S., Mercier de Lepinay B. & Vila J.M. 1993 – Résultats de la campagne Casis – Géosciences Marines, Paris.